StrataDx was proud to exhibit at the American Academy of Dermatology’s Annual Meeting this year in Orlando, Florida. The conference was held at the Orange County Convention Center and was filled each day, boasting over 8,000 registered personnel. The annual meeting is such a great experience, as it brings together medical professionals from around the world.

One of our favorite parts of going to trade shows is getting to spend some one on one time with our clients and team at our sponsored dinners. We were excited to host a full house at Fiorenzo Italian Steakhouse, right across from the convention center.

As always, we were happy to see our amazing clients in between breaks and lectures. Our clients are part of the Strata family, and getting to see them at conferences is always a plus. Our New York account executive, Jason Garcia, is always up for a photo opportunity, and snapped this picture with Dr. Mariwalla.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon at the AAD Summer Conference in New York City!